1. 没有带载量限制,极大满足城市大型项目控制需求。
2. 通过接收卫星信号可实现多台主控器间全球同步,项目在多栋楼宇间无法布线情况下实现多台主控器同步播放。
3. 支持日常,周,节日播放模式。可按照不同区域设定不同或相同场景播放方案。
4. 支持GPRS/4G全城灯光连动控制模式,支持PC端,手机端远程控制。
5. 主控器自带3.5英寸触摸屏,实时显示主控器参数及状态,方便客户操作,可实现整体亮度调整、播放速度调整等。
6. SD卡存储场景文件,最大支持32G,最多可预设99个场景文件。
7. 本机自带全网通物联网卡。
1. There is no load limit, which can greatly satisfy the demand of large city project control.
2. By receiving the satellite signals, the global synchronization between the main controllers can be realized. In the case of no wiring between buildings, multiple host controllers can simultaneously broadcast .
3. Support daily, weekly, festival play mode. Different or similar scenarios can be set according to different areas.
4. Support GPRS/4G City Lighting linkage control mode, support PC terminal, remote control of mobile terminal.
5. The main controller comes with 3.5 inch touch screen to display the parameters and status of the main controller in real time, which is convenient for customers to operate, and can realize the overall brightness adjustment and the playback speed adjustment .
6.SD card to store the scene files, maximum support 32G, up to 99 preset scene files.
7.This machine comes with all CNC net card .
2. 通过接收卫星信号可实现多台主控器间全球同步,项目在多栋楼宇间无法布线情况下实现多台主控器同步播放。
3. 支持日常,周,节日播放模式。可按照不同区域设定不同或相同场景播放方案。
4. 支持GPRS/4G全城灯光连动控制模式,支持PC端,手机端远程控制。
5. 主控器自带3.5英寸触摸屏,实时显示主控器参数及状态,方便客户操作,可实现整体亮度调整、播放速度调整等。
6. SD卡存储场景文件,最大支持32G,最多可预设99个场景文件。
7. 本机自带全网通物联网卡。
1. There is no load limit, which can greatly satisfy the demand of large city project control.
2. By receiving the satellite signals, the global synchronization between the main controllers can be realized. In the case of no wiring between buildings, multiple host controllers can simultaneously broadcast .
3. Support daily, weekly, festival play mode. Different or similar scenarios can be set according to different areas.
4. Support GPRS/4G City Lighting linkage control mode, support PC terminal, remote control of mobile terminal.
5. The main controller comes with 3.5 inch touch screen to display the parameters and status of the main controller in real time, which is convenient for customers to operate, and can realize the overall brightness adjustment and the playback speed adjustment .
6.SD card to store the scene files, maximum support 32G, up to 99 preset scene files.
7.This machine comes with all CNC net card .
Technical specifications